Piattaforma intelligente, Integrata e Adattativa di microCogenerazione ad Elevata Efficienza per usi residenziali


Funded by: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MSE)  
Calls: Industria 2015 – Bando Efficienza Energetica
Start date: 2010-01-01  End date: 2011-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 187.113,08  INO share of the total budget: EUR 187.113,08
Scientific manager: Giuseppe Toniato   and for INO is: Sansoni Paola

Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: RIELLO

other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
C.M.D. Costruzioni Motori Diesel
CNR – Dipartimento Energia e Trasporti
Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A.
Dip. Ingegneria Meccanica Univ. di Trieste
Electrolux Italia
Eńa Progetti
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
IRCA – Industria Resistenze Corazzate e Affini
Meta System
Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Torino
SArdinia Renewable Energy Technologies (SA.R.E.T.)
Treviso Tecnologia
Università degli Studi di Padova
Valdadige Costruzioni

other INO’s people involved:

Fontani Daniela
Jafrancesco David
Mercatelli Luca
Sani Elisa

Abstract: The research program foresees the development of a micro-cogeneration platform for the residential market dimensioned on an electric power of 1,5 kW.
The platform core is a micro-cogeneration unit that will be developed exploiting three different technologies:
· thermo-photovoltaic micro-cogeneration
· micro-cogeneration with internal combustion
· micro-cogeneration with Rankine cycle
The thermo-photovoltaic micro-cogeneration will be realised integrating a condensation boiler for residential applications with an innovative concentration system coupled to photovoltaic cells for the production of electric energy.
The micro-cogeneration with internal combustion, based on a more consolidated technology, will utilise an novel internal combustion motor of motorcycling origin and it will derive its innovative content precisely from the small electric size of the co-generator. Furthermore a three-generative option at high energetic efficiency will be developed, combining an endothermic motor to a heat pump, belonging to the vehicles field, and to an ejection system.
Finally the third technology to be developed will be represented by a micro-cogeneration with Rankine cycle, still integrated to a condensation boiler.
Every proposed technology will be characterised by a different ratio between electric efficiency and thermal efficiency.

INO’s Experiments/Theoretical Study correlated:
Solar Collectors Laboratory