Mapping the orientation of corneal sutural lamellae by means of backward-scattered SHG microscopy

Year: 2017

Authors: Mercatelli R., Ratto F., Rossi F., Menabuoni L., Malandrini A., Tatini F., Nicoletti R., Pini R., Pavone F.S., Cicchi R.

Autors Affiliation: National Institute of Optics (INO), National Research Council (CNR), Largo E. Fermi 6, Florence, 50125, Italy; IFAC-CNR, Istituto di Fisica Applicata

Abstract: SHG microscopy was successfully used to characterize the orientation of sutural lamellae within corneal samples by means of an epi-detection scheme. In particular, the attention was focused on the organization and orientation of corneal collagen lamellae in the first 30 µm of the stromal layer below Bowman

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More Information: The research leading to these results has received funding from Tuscany Region and EU FP7 BiophotonicsPlus projects “LITE” (Laser Imaging of The Eye) and “LighTPatcH” (Led Technology in Photo Haemostasis), from the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research in the framework of the Flagship Project NANOMAX, from the Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2011-02349626), from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654148 Laserlab-Europe and No. 720270 HBP SGA1, from Fondazione Pisa and from Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
KeyWords: Collagen; Diagnosis; Image acquisition; Nonlinear optics; Stiffness, Backward detections; Bowman’s membrane; cornea; Detection scheme; keratoconus; Second harmonic generation microscopies (SHG); Three-dimensional correlation; Treatment follow-up, Harmonic generation

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