Experimental investigation of the 2.1-µm single-mode Tm-Ho: KYF laser
Year: 2004
Authors: Galzerano G., Sani E., Toncelli A., Taccheo S., Tonelli M., Laporta P.
Autors Affiliation: Ist. di Fotonica/Nanotecnologie-CNR, Ist. Naz. per la Fis. della Materia, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci 32, Milano 20133, Italy; NEST – Ist. Naz. Fis. della Materia, Dipartimento de Fisica, Universitą di Pisa, Via F. Buonarroti 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy
Abstract: We report on the development and comprehensive characterization of a room-temperature single-mode 2-mum Tm-Ho:KYF laser. A maximum CW output power of similar to70 mW at the central wavelength of 2.078 mum has been obtained. Using a 5-mm long intracavity birefringent filter the single-mode emission wavelength can be tuned over a range of similar to40 nm. Both frequency and relative intensity noise have been investigated showing a 1-ms emission linewidth of similar to600 kHz and an intensity noise spectrum that is quantum-noise limited for Fourier frequencies higher than 1 MHz.
Volume: 78 (6) Pages from: 733 to: 736
KeyWords: Bandwidth; Birefringence; Doppler radar; Fourier optics; Light emission; Mirrors; Optical filters; Optical radar; Oscillators (electronic); Quantum optics; Single mode fibers; Spurious signal noise, Emission wavelength; Quantum noise; Relative intensity noise (RIN); Single mode lasers, Laser opticsDOI: 10.1007/s00340-004-1506-6ImpactFactor: 2.215Citations: 17data from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) are update at: 2025-02-09References taken from IsiWeb of Knowledge: (subscribers only)Connecting to view paper tab on IsiWeb: Click hereConnecting to view citations from IsiWeb: Click here