Maltese cross coupling to individual cold atoms in free space
Year: 2019
Authors: Bruno N., Bianchet L.C., Prakash V., Li N., Alves N., Mitchell M.W.
Autors Affiliation: Barcelona Inst Sci & Technol, ICFO Inst Ciencies Foton, Barcelona 08860, Spain; Zhejiang Univ, Coll Opt Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Modern Opt Instrumentat, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang, Peoples R China; ICREA, Barcelona 08010, Spain.
Abstract: We report on the simultaneous observation from four directions of the fluorescence of single Rb-87 atoms trapped at the common focus of four high numerical aperture (NA = 0.5) aspheric lenses. We use an interferometrically-guided pick-and-place technique to precisely and stably position the lenses along the four cardinal directions with their foci at a single central point. The geometry gives right angle access to a single quantum emitter, and will enable new trapping, excitation, and collection methods. The fluorescence signals indicate both sub-Poissonian atom number statistics and photon anti-bunching, showing suitability for cold atom quantum optics. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Journal/Review: OPTICS EXPRESS
Volume: 27 (21) Pages from: 31042 to: 31052
More Information: European Research Council (713682, 280169); European Commission (641122, 800901, 820393); European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (17FUN03); Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (FIS2014-62181-EXP, FIS2015-68039-P, SEV-2015-0522, PCI2018-092973); Agencia de Gestio d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2017-SGR-1354); Fundacion Cellex; Fundacion MIR-PUIG; Generalitat de Catalunya; European Commission (820405).KeyWords: Rydberg BlockadeDOI: 10.1364/OE.27.031042ImpactFactor: 3.669Citations: 11data from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) are update at: 2025-02-16References taken from IsiWeb of Knowledge: (subscribers only)