Zero-Order Second Harmonic Generation from AlGaAs-on-Insulator Metasurfaces

Year: 2019

Authors: Marino G., Gigli C., Rocco D., Lemaitre A., Favero I., De Angelis C., Leo G.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Paris Diderot, Mat & Phenomenes Quant, 10 Rue Alice Domon & Leonie Duquet, F-75013 Paris, France; CNRS, 10 Rue Alice Domon & Leonie Duquet, F-75013 Paris, France; Univ Brescia, Dept Informat Engn, Via Branze 38, I-25123 Brescia, Italy; INO CNR, Via Branze 38, I-25123 Brescia, Italy; Univ Paris Saclay, CNRS, Ctr Nanosci & Nanotechnol, Palaiseau, France.

Abstract: All-dielectric metasurfaces consist of two-dimensional arrangements of nanoresonators and are of paramount importance for shaping polarization, phase, and amplitude of both fundamental and harmonic optical waves. To date, their reported nonlinear optical properties have been dominated by local features of the individual nanoresonators. However, collective responses typical of either Mie-resonant metamaterials or photonic crystals can potentially boost the control over such optical properties. In this work we demonstrate the generation of a second harmonic optical wave with zero-order diffraction, from a metasurface made out of AlGaAs-on-AlOx nanocylinders arranged with spatial period comparable to the pump telecom wavelength. Upon normal incidence of the pump beam, the modulation of Mie resonances via Bragg scattering at both fundamental and second harmonic frequencies enables paraxial second harmonic light generation by diffraction into the zero order, with a 50-fold increase in detected power within a solid angle of 5 degrees. Exquisite control of a higher harmonic wavefront can be thus achieved in all-dielectric nonlinear metasurfaces, with potential applications for on-axis optical systems.

Journal/Review: ACS PHOTONICS

Volume: 6 (5)      Pages from: 1226  to: 1231

More Information: G.L. acknowledges SEAM Labex (PANAMA Project) and NOMOS project (ANR-18-CE24-0026) for financial support. G.M.’s postdoc grant was funded by PANAMA Project and EU MULTIPLY program. We all thank Aloyse Degiron et Luca Carletti for fruitful discussions.
KeyWords: nonlinear metasurfaces; Mie resonances; nanophotonics; second-harmonic generation; all-dielectric nanophotonics; Fourier imaging
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00110

ImpactFactor: 6.864
Citations: 60
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