Lopsided diffractions of distinct symmetries in two-dimensional non-Hermitian optical gratings
Year: 2019
Authors: Liu YM., Gao F., Wu JH., Artoni M., La Rocca G.C.
Autors Affiliation: Northeast Normal Univ, Sch Phys, Changchun 130024, Jilin, Peoples R China; Jilin Univ, Coll Phys, Changchun 130012, Jilin, Peoples R China; Brescia Univ, Dept Engn & Informat Technol, I-25133 Brescia, Italy; Brescia Univ, CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, I-25133 Brescia, Italy; Scuola Normale Super Pisa, I-56126 Pisa, Italy; CNISM, I-56126 Pisa, Italy.
Abstract: Fraunhofer light diffraction across a thin two-dimensional lattice of cold atoms subject to transverse hybrid modulations of two standing-wave crossed pump fields is seen to yield lopsided patterns of various degrees of symmetry. We show that one can fully restrain the diffraction of a weak incident probe to two diagonal or adjacent quadrants or even just to a single quadrant, depending on the phases of two standing-wave pumps and on the probe detuning. Different diffraction symmetries with respect to the axes or diagonals of the diffraction plane quadrants are interpreted here in terms of different out-of-phase interplay of absorption and dispersion periodic distributions, resulting from different combinations of Hermitian, PT-symmetric, and non-Hermitian modulations.
Volume: 100 (4) Pages from: 043801-1 to: 043801-7
More Information: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 10534002, No. 11674049, and No. 11704063), the Cooperative Program by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Grant No. PGR00960), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11861131001).KeyWords: asymmetric light-diffraction; parity-time symmetry; propagation; non-Hermitian modulationsDOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.043801ImpactFactor: 2.777Citations: 30data from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) are update at: 2025-02-16References taken from IsiWeb of Knowledge: (subscribers only)Connecting to view paper tab on IsiWeb: Click hereConnecting to view citations from IsiWeb: Click here