BackAuthor: Zuccaro Marchi Alessandro Category: Conference proceedings 1) Deployable, lightweight and large aperture spaceborne telescope for LIDAR based earth observations in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Ferruzzi D., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Salinari P., Lisi F., Olivier M., Bursi A., Gallieni D., Biasi R., Pereira J. Year: 2007 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1117/12.737853)
2) A star tracker insensitive to stray light generated by radiation sources close to the field of view in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Romoli A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2017 3) A technology demonstrator for development of ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable telescope for space applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Salinari P., Lisi F., Bursi A., Olivier M., Gallieni D. Year: 2017 4) An ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable telescope for advanced lidar applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Ferruzzi D., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Salinari P., Lisi F., Olivier M., Bursi A., Pereira Do Carmo J. Year: 2017 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.2308098)
5) Conceptual design of a stray light facility for earth observation satellites in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Stockman Y., Hellin M.L., Marcotte S., Mazy E., Versluys J., François M., Taccola M., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2017 6) Development of a calibration facility for small EO sat as PROBA v in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Stockman Y., Hellin M.L., Jamotton P., Mazy E., Marcotte S., Versluys J., François M., Taccola M., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2017 7) Large aperture and wide field of view space telescope for the detection of ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2017 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.2308097)
8) Last results of technological developments for ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable mirror for space telescopes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Gambicorti L., D’Amato F., Vettore C., Duò F., Guercia A., Patauner C., Biasi R., Srl M., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Gallieni D., Lazzarini P., Tintori M., Zuccaro Marchi A., Pereira Do Carmo J. Year: 2017 9) Last results of technological developments for ultralightweight, large aperture, deployable mirror for space telescopes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: D’Amato F., Gambicorti L., Zuccaro Marchi A., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Vettore C., Duò F., Guercia A., Gallieni D., Lazzarini P., Tintori M., Patauner C., Biasi R., R. Pereira do Carmo R. Year: 2017 10) Technological developments for ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable mirror for space telescopes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: D’Amato F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Gallieni D., Biasi R., Molina M., Duò F., Ruder N., Salinari P., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Pereira do Carmo J.P.N. Year: 2017 11) Developments in active optics for space instruments: An ESA perspective in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Hallibert P., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2016 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.2232096)
12) Laboratory demonstration of a primary active mirror for space with the LATT: large aperture telescope technology in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Briguglio R., Biasi R., Gallieni D., Vettore C., D’Amato F., Xompero M., Arcidiacono C., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Patauner C., Lazzarini P., Tintori M., Duò F., Pucci M., Zuccaro Marchi A., Maresi L. Year: 2016 13) The LATT way towards large active primaries for space telescopes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Briguglio R., Arcidiacono C., Xompero M., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Biasi R., Patauner C., Gallieni D., Lazzarini P., Tintori M., D’Amato F., Pucci M., Duò F., Vettore C., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2016 14) ELOIS: An innovative spectrometer design using a free-form grating in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: De Clercq C., Moreau V., Jamoye J.-F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Gloesener P. Year: 2015 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.2191345)
15) G-MAP: A novel night vision system for satellites in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Miletti T., Maresi L., Zuccaro Marchi A., Pontetti G. Year: 2015 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.2195028)
16) Active optics for space applications: An ESA perspective in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., Hallibert P., Pereira Do Carmo J., Wille E. Year: 2014 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.2057594)
17) Last results of technological developments for ultralightweight, large aperture, deployable mirror for space telescopes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Gambicorti L., D’Amato F., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Vettore C., Duò F., Guercia A., Gallieni D., Lazzarini P., Tintori M., Patauner C., Biasi R., Zuccaro Marchi A., Pereira do Carmo J. Year: 2012 18) Status of the assessment phase of the ESA M3 mission candidate EChO in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Puig L., Isaak K.G., Linder M., Escudero I., Martin D., Crouzet P.-E., Gaspar Venancio L., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2012 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.925368)
19) Technological developments for Ultra-Lightweight, large aperture, deployable mirror for space telescopes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., D’Amato F., Gallieni D., Biasi R., Molina M., Duò F., Ruder N., Salinari P., Lisi F., Riccardi A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Pereira do Carmo J.P.N. Year: 2010 20) The JEM-EUSO mission and its challenging optics system in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., Takizawa Y., Young R., Takahashi Y. Year: 2010 21) The optical design and engineering package OPTOLAB© in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Romoli A., Zuccaro Marchi A., Simonetti F., Gambicorti L. Year: 2009 22) Ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable telescope for space applications: a technology demonstrator in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Gallieni D., Salinari P., Lisi F., Bursi A., Molina M., Biasi R. Year: 2009 23) A star tracker insensitive to stray light generated by radiation sources close to the field of view in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Romoli A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2008 24) A techology demonstrator for the development of ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable telescope for space applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Salinari P., Lisi F., Bursi A., Olivier M., Gallieni D. Year: 2008 25) The Fluid Science Laboratory on board the Columbus module of the International Space Station with the Geoflow experiment in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Zuccaro Marchi A., Piccolo C., Albanese C., Carotenuto L., Dell’Aversana P., Peluso F., Bratina V., Trinchero G. Year: 2008 26) The lightning imager feasibility for the METEOSAT
third generation in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Romoli A., Gambicorti L., Zuccaro Marchi A., Simonetti F., Bardazzi R., Labate D. Year: 2008 27) Three reflective spectrometers of new conception in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Romoli A., Taccola M., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2008 28) Advanced LIDAR technologies for active remore sensing of vegetation fluorescence from space in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Guzzi R., Mazzinghi P., Cecchi G., Bratina V., Zuccaro Marchi A., Ferruzzi D., Simonetti F., Gambicorti L., Olivier M., Bursi A, Lisi F., Salinari P., Gallieni D, Pereira Do Carmo J. Year: 2007 29) Lightweight active controlled primary mirror technology demonstrator in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Ferruzzi D., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Salinari P., Lisi F., Olivier M., Bursi A., Gallieni D., Biasi R., Pereira J. Year: 2007 ( DOI: 10.1117/12.737839)
30) Study of possible mission profiles and requirements for space based remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Bratina V., Mazzinghi P., Zuccaro Marchi A., Ferruzzi D., Simometti F. Year: 2007 31) An ultra-lightweight, large aperture, deployable telescope for
advanced LIDAR applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Ferruzzi D., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Salinari P., Lisi F., Olivier M., Bursi A., Pereira J. Year: 2006 32) Large aperture and wide field of view space telescope for the detection of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and neutrinos in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A. Year: 2006