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3) Modulation Instability Induced Frequency Comb Generation in a Continuously Pumped Optical Parametric Oscillator in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Mosca S., Parisi M., Ricciardi I., Leo F., Hansson T., Erkintalo M., Maddaloni P., De Natale P., Wabnitz S., De Rosa M. Year: 2018 (IF.: 9.227 Cit.: 89 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.093903)
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8) Infrared Comb Spectroscopy of Buffer-Gas-Cooled Molecules: Toward Absolute Frequency Metrology of Cold Acetylene in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCESBy: Santamaria L., Di Sarno V., Aiello R., De Rosa M., Ricciardi I., De Natale P., Maddaloni P. Year: 2021 (IF.: 6.208 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22010250)
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