Biomedical Optics

Large FOV multiphoton microscopy image of a tissue section obtained from a human sample of adenocarcinoma. Red color shows the two-photon fluorescence signal from cells, elastic fibers and other extracellular molecules; green color shows the second-harmonic signal from collagen
The main aim of the Biomedical Optics group is to develop optical methods for diagnostics on biological tissues using both microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The research targets the morphology, composition, functionality and biomechanics of biological tissues, trying to integrate morphological with functional and biomechanical information and to correlate the molecular and ultrastructural behavior with the properties observed at a macroscopic level. This is achieved by using both fiber-probe spectroscopy and laser scanning imaging scheme in tandem with various contrast mechanisms, such as one- and two-photon fluorescence (TPF), fluorescence lifetime, second-harmonic generation (SHG) and Brillouin light scattering (BLS), yielding an all-optical non-invasive assessment of tissue morpho-mechanical and morpho-functional features from the macroscopic level down to the microscopic scale. The methods are applied to a broad variety of samples, ranging from artificial scaffolds to animal and human tissues, in collaboration with national and international collaborators. The research is conducted in strict contact with various medical experts (pathologists, urologists, head and neck surgeons, neuro surgeons, ophthalmologists) in order to be driven by the unmet medical needs. The group is also involved in activities targeting the technology transfer, in collaboration with local SMEs.
INO Staff
Baria EnricoCicchi Riccardo (Contact Person)Mattana Sara