Avino Saverio

Professional Profile: Researcher (Employee)
Activity field: Research
Main office/laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone number: 081 867 5429
Laboratory phone number: 081 867 5428
Personal Web page: YES

OrcidID: 0000-0001-6623-9784ScopusID: 8731357800
Primary activity: Optical gyroscope. High sensitivity laser interferometry. Gravitational and quantum physics. Quantum sensing. Physical and chemical sensors based on FBG grating and resonators in optical fibers. Optical microresonators.

Main experiences acquired: Optical interferometry, optical fibers, advanced sensing.

Scientific manager for INO of Funded Projects:
Operational Knowledge from Insights and Analytics on Industrial
High-resolution interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes for inertial sensing
Centro Nazionale Mobilità Sotenibile, Spoke 12, Propulsione Innovativa
Six-Components Seismic Monitoring At The Campi Flegrei Volcanic Area

Research Groups:
Optical Sensors

Others Funded Projects in which he/she participates:
Monitoraggio innovativo per le coste e l’ambiente marino
Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for Quantum Computation and Simulation
Photonic Extreme Learning Machine: from neuromorphic computing to universal optical interpolant, strain gauge sensor and cancer morphodynamic monitor
Advanced, Disruptive and Emerging QUAntum technologies for DEfence

Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 112
  –   Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 97
  –   Books or Chapters, are: 1
  –   Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 2
  –   Conference proceedings, are: 13
  –   Abstract, are: 20

Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2024-10-20
  –   maximum number of citations for an article: 255
  –   maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 31.377
  –   H-INDEX: 22   G-INDEX: 43   HC-INDEX (contemporary): 14 
  –   List of TopTen papers in citations  –   List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor