Viciani Silvia

Professional Profile: Researcher (Employee)
Activity field: Research
Main office/laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino – LENS
Office phone number: 055 522 6332
Laboratory phone number: 055 522 6202
ResearcherID: AAY-2203-2020OrcidID: 0000-0003-2260-094XScopusID: 6601988288
Primary activity: – development and realization of laser devices for environmental and atmospheric applications
– realization and field deployment (during international campaigns) of airborne mid-infrared tunable diode laser spectrometers for stratospheric measurement of trace gases
– analysis and realization of optical simulators of quantum transport in photosynthetic systems and prospects for new solar energy technologies

Main experiences acquired: – Laser spectroscopy in the near, mid and far infraed.
– Mid-infrared diode laser spectrometers for environmental and atmospheric applications
– Remote sensing and airborne instrumentations for atmospheric analysis
– Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)for ophthalmic applications
– Quantum Optics: generation and manipulation of non-classical field states, entanglement, non-locality, optical simulators of quantum transport

Scientific manager for INO of Funded Projects:
Simulatori ottici di trasporto quantistico in sistemi fotosintetici e prospettive per nuove tecnologie per l’energia solare

Research Groups:
Spectroscopy and PHotonics for Environmental Research and Earth Studies
Quantum diamond nanoengineering

Others Funded Projects in which he/she participates:
Reconciliaton of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of artic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions
Metrology for air pollutant emissions (IMPRESS 2)
Fibre-based Planar Antennas for Biosensing and Diagnostics
Technical Assistance for a Far-Infrared Radiation Mobile Observation System (EE9 FORUM)
Secure Quantum Communication Undersea Link

FORUM scienza

Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 91
  –   Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 58
  –   Books or Chapters, are: 4
  –   Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 1
  –   Conference proceedings, are: 13
  –   Abstract, are: 80

Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2024-10-20
  –   maximum number of citations for an article: 611
  –   maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 31.853
  –   H-INDEX: 24   G-INDEX: 46   HC-INDEX (contemporary): 15 
  –   List of TopTen papers in citations  –   List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor