APS Thesis Award to Giada Cantono
February 5, 2019Il supersolido, nuovo stato quantistico della materia
April 19, 2019Nowadays, buffer gas cooling represents an invaluable option to produce cold stable molecules, both in view of secondary cooling/trapping strategies towards the achievement of quantum degeneracy and for fundamental spectroscopic studies. From this follows a demand to establish a pool of specialized, increasingly precise spectroscopic interrogation techniques. By combining saturated cavity ring-down spectroscopy with the buffer-gas-cooling technique, we have demonstrated a general approach to Lamb-dip ro-vibrational measurements on cold molecules. The developed scheme represents the launch pad to high-accuracy molecular tests of fundamental Physics at the electron volt energy scale. Examples include: searching for fifth-force interactions, assessing the space-time stability of the proton-to-electron mass ratio, and probing parity violation in chiral molecules.
The research is published in Optica.