Vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy of Xe: Hyperfine splittings, isotope shifts, and isotope-dependent ionization energies

Anno: 2001

Autori: Brandi F., Velchev I., Hogervorst W., Ubachs W.

Affiliazione autori: Laser Centre, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands

Abstract: High-resolution spectroscopy of xenon is performed on four transitions from the 5p(61)S(0) ground state to the 5d\'[3/2](1), 8d[1/2](1), 8d[3/2](1), and 7s\'[1/2](1), excited states (jl-coupling notation) by means of 1 VUV + 1 UV photoionization spectroscopy. Spectra of all nine stable isotopes are resolved enabling the determination of the hyperfine splittings and isotope shifts. Magnetic dipole (for both Xe-129 and Xe-131) and electric quadrupole (for Xe-131) hyperfine splitting constants are derived for all four excited states. Mass and field shift contributions to the isotope shifts are separated using King plots relative to existing accurate isotope shift values. A high field shift factor, even for the transitions in which no s electron is involved, is deduced. From precise calibration of the transition frequencies an accurate value for the ionization energy of Xe-136, E-3/2(136) = 97 833.805(11) cm(-1), is derived. In addition, values of the ionization energies for all other isotopes are determined.

Giornale/Rivista: PHYSICAL REVIEW A

Volume: 64 (3)      Da Pagina: 03250-1  A: 03250-6

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.64.032505