Quantum chaos in a Yang-Mills-Higgs system

Anno: 1997

Autori: Salasnich L.

Affiliazione autori: IST NAZL FIS NUCL,I-35131 PADUA,ITALY

Abstract: We study the energy fluctuations of a spatially homogeneous SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs system. In particular, we analyze the nearest-neighbour spacing distribution which shows a Wigner-Poisson transition by increasing the value of the Higgs field in the vacuum. This transition is a clear quantum signature of the classical chaos-order transition of the system.


Volume: 12 (20)      Da Pagina: 1473  A: 1480

Parole chiavi: chaos; quantum field theory;
DOI: 10.1142/S0217732397001503

Citazioni: 27
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