Ideal quantum gases in D-dimensional space and power-law potentials

Anno: 2000

Autori: Salasnich L.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Milan, Dipartimento Fis, Ist Nazl Fis Mat, Unita Milano, I-20133 Milan, Italy

Abstract: We investigate ideal quantum gases in D-dimensional space and confined in a generic external potential by using the semiclassical approximation. In particular, we derive density of states, density profiles and critical temperatures for Fermions and Bosons trapped in isotropic power-law potentials. From such results, one can easily obtain those of quantum gases in a rigid box and in a harmonic trap. Finally, we show that the Bose-Einstein condensation can set up in a confining power-law potential if and only if D/2+D/n >1, where D is the space dimension and n is the power-law exponent. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics.


Volume: 41 (12)      Da Pagina: 8016  A: 8024

Parole chiavi: quantum gases
DOI: 10.1063/1.1322078

Citazioni: 64
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