A new technique for the measurement of radiance temperature at the melting point

Anno: 1993

Autori: Righini F., Bussolino GC., Rosso A., Spisiak J.

Affiliazione autori: CNR, Inst Metrol G Colonnetti, I-10135 Turin, Italy

Abstract: Measurements of the radiance temperature of metals at their melting point received wide attention recently on account of controversial results obtained in different laboratories. During further investigations at IMGC, a new technique for radiance temperature measurements at the melting point was perfected, with numerous experiments performed at the melting point of niobium. The new technique consists in bringing the material to the melting point and interrupting the flow of current just before the specimen is destroyed. Using this method the melting plateau may be repeated several times using the same specimen. Repeatibility studies may be performed. and changes in the surface structure of the material may be evaluated. Typical results of this new technique are presented, along with a complete description of this new measurement method.


Volume: 14 (3)      Da Pagina: 485  A: 494

Parole chiavi: high-speed pyrometry; hight temperature; melting; pulse heating; radiance temperature
DOI: 10.1007/BF00566047

Citazioni: 7
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