Measurement of thermophysical properties by a pulse-heating method: Thoriated tungsten in the range 1200 to 3600 K

Anno: 1994

Autori: Righini F., Spisiak J., Bussolino GC., Rosso A.

Affiliazione autori: CNR Istituto di Metrologia

Abstract: Thoriated tungsten (tungsten, 98%; thorium oxide, 2%) is a widely used electrode material for inert-gas are-welding. Data for the heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and hemispherical total emissivity of this material are reported for the temperature range 1200-3600 K. A subsecond pulse-heating technique was applied to rod specimens; radiance temperature was measured by high-speed pyrometry. Literature values of the temperature dependence of the normal spectral emissivity of tungsten were used to obtain true temperatures, using the melting point of thoriated tungsten as a calibration point. Reported uncertainties for the properties are 4% for heat capacity, 1.5% for electrical resistivity, and 7% for hemispherical total emissivity.


Volume: 15 (6)      Da Pagina: 1311  A: 1322

Parole chiavi: electrical resistivity; heat capacity; hemisherical total emissivity; high temperature; tungsten
DOI: 10.1007/BF01458839

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