Observation of the Presuperfluid Regime in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas

Anno: 2010

Autori: Tung S., Lamporesi G., Lobser D., Xia L., Cornell E.A.

Affiliazione autori: JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado, and Department of Physics,
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0440, USA

Abstract: In complementary images of coordinate-space and momentum-space density in a trapped 2D Bose gas, we observe the emergence of presuperfluid behavior. As phase-space density rho increases toward degenerate values, we observe a gradual divergence of the compressibility kappa from the value predicted by a bare-atom model, kappa(ba).kappa/kappa(ba) grows to 1.7 before rho reaches the value for which we observe the sudden emergence of a spike at p = 0 in momentum space. Momentum-space images are acquired by means of a 2D focusing technique. Our data represent the first observation of non-mean-field physics in the presuperfluid but degenerate 2D Bose gas.


Volume: 105 (23)      Da Pagina: 230408  A: 230408

Maggiori informazioni: We are very pleased to acknowledge useful conversations with Z. Hadzibabic, J. Dalibard, W. Phillips, M. Holzmann, C. Chin, A. Imambekov, L.-K. Lim, and V. Gurarie. This work was supported by NSF and ONR.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.230408

Citazioni: 81
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2024-05-05
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