Hausdorff dimension and uniformity factor of strange attractors

Anno: 1984

Autori: Badii R., Politi A.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: The Hausdorff dimension of a strange attractor is argued to be the fixed point of a recursive relation, defined in terms of a suitable average of the smallest distances between points on the attractor. A fast numerical algorithm is developed to compute the Hausdorff dimension. The spread in the convergence rates towards zero of the distances between points on the attractor (uniformity factor) as well as the stability of the fixed point are discussed in terms of the entropy of the distribution of the smallest distances between points on the attractor.


Volume: 52 (19)      Da Pagina: 1661  A: 1664

Parole chiavi: fractals; strange attractor;
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.1661

Citazioni: 143
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2024-05-12
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