Measurements and speculations on the subclinical astigmatism

Anno: 1985

Autori: Ronchi L.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Orrica, Largo E. fermi6, 50125 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: By the use of a slip pupil of variable orientation, placed in the focal plane of a Badal lens (sometimes coupled to a laser refractor), faint meridional differences in optical power are found in eyes clinically regarded as emmetropic. The subclinical astigmatism is known to depend on a number of stimulus related factors. Amongst others, fresh material is now displayed indicating its dependence on the spectral composition grain (or texture) of the screen. It cannot be escluded that these effects have a behavior related teleological meaning.


Volume: 601      Da Pagina: 130  A: 137

Parole chiavi: astigmatism