General adiabatic elimination procedure for lasers with slow relaxation of population inversion

Anno: 1986

Autori: Oppo G.L., Politi A.

Affiliazione autori: Chemical Physics Theory Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto Canada;
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland;
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: An improved adiabatic elimination procedure, based on center manifol theory, is used to determine a two-dimensional flow which describes a large class of lasers characterized by slow relaxation of the population inversion. A detailed analysis of this model shows a)a quasi-conservative motion in a Toda potential, b) Haken second threshold for the expected parameter values, c) undamped oscillations in agreement with the Lorenz equations and d9 a more accurate description of the relaxation processes than the usual rate equations. The relevance of the model to experiments is also briefly dis cussed.


Volume: 667      Da Pagina: 251  A: 256

Parole chiavi: adiabatic elimination procedure