Optical coatings for artworks preservation and enhanced viewing

Anno: 2005

Autori: Piegari A., Arrighi R., Di Sarcina I., Farini A.

Affiliazione autori: ENEA, Via Anguillarese 301, 00060 Roma, Italy;
Istituto Nazionale Ottica Applicata, Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: Many optical methods are nowadays in use in the field of art. Most techniques are applied for characterization of materials, monitoring, diagnostics. Optical thin films can find an interesting application for artwork protection from the damage induced by illumination. The deteriorating effect of light on artworks is well known and the conventional
approach to reduce the damage consists in lowering the radiation intensity and shortening the exposure duration. A complementary approach is to block all radiations that are not useful for viewing the artwork. A proper optical coating deposited on glass is able to cut the radiation flux at all wavelengths outside the range of sensitivity of the human eye.
Glass is already in use in museum and galleries to protect artwork from vandalism and the use of coated glass can result in a simple method for contributing to art conservation. The optical coating will also improve the viewing because of the antireflection effect that can be combined with the protection properties. Particular care must be taken of this aspect because a compromise between conservation rules and visitor satisfaction must be reached. It is important that the thinfilm coating does not introduce color alterations from the point of view of the observer and for this reason color testing on coated glasses must be carried out with real viewers.


Volume: 5963      Da Pagina: 596309-1  A: 596309-8

Parole chiavi: Optical coatings; colorimetric measurements; art conservation