Development of Quantum Limited Superconducting Amplifiers for Advanced Detection

Anno: 2022

Autori: Pagano S.; Barone C.; Borghesi M.; Chung W.; Carapella G.; Caricato A.P.; Carusotto I.; Cian A.; Gioacchino D.D.; Enrico E.; Falferi P.; Fasolo L.; Faverzani M.; Ferri E.; Filatrella G.; Gatti C.; Giachero A.; Giubertoni D.; Greco A.; Kutlu C.; Leo A.; Ligi C.; MacCarrone G.; Margesin B.; Maruccio G.; Matlashov A.; Mauro C.; Mezzena R.; Monteduro A.G.; Nucciotti A.; Oberto L.; Pierro V.; Piersanti L.; Rajteri M.; Rettaroli A.; Rizzato S.; Semertzidis Y.K.; Uchaikin S.; Vinante A.

Affiliazione autori: Physics Department, Universityof Salerno, Fisciano, 84084, Physics Department, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, , Italy; Engineering Department, University of Sannio, Benevento, 82100, Engineering Department, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, , Italy; Physics Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, 20126, Physics Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, , Italy; Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, 34051, Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, South Korea, , South Korea; Mathematics and Physics Department, University of Salento, Lecce, 73100, Mathematics and Physics Department, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, , Italy; Cnr Ino, Povo, 38123, CNR INO, Povo, Italy, , Italy; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, 38123, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, Italy, , Italy; INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, 00044, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy, , Italy; INRiM-Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, 10135, INRiM-Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy, , Italy; Science and Technology Department, University of Sannio, Benevento, 82100, Science and Technology Department, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, , Italy; Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 34051, Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea, , South Korea; INFN-Gruppo Collegato Salerno, Fisciano, 84084, INFN-Gruppo Collegato Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, , Italy; Physics Department, University of Trento, Povo, 38123, Physics Department, University of Trento, Povo, Italy, , Italy; CNR-SPIN Salerno Section, Fisciano, 84084, CNR-SPIN Salerno Section, 84084 Fisciano, Italy, , Italy; INFN-Sezione di Milano Bicocca, Milano, 20126, INFN-Sezione di Milano Bicocca, 20126 Milano, Italy, , Italy; INFN-Sezione di Lecce, Lecce, 73100, INFN-Sezione di Lecce, 73100 Lecce, Italy, , Italy; INFN-TIFPA, Povo, 38123, INFN-TIFPA, 38123 Povo, Italy, , Italy

Abstract: Ultralow-noise microwave amplification and detection play a central role in different applications, going from fundamental physics experiments to the deployment of quantum technologies. In many applications the necessity of reading multiple detectors, or cavities or qubits, calls for large bandwidth amplifiers with the lowest possible noise. Current technologies are based on High Electron Mobility Transistors and Josephson Parametric Amplifiers. Both have limitations, the former in terms of the minimum noise, the latter in terms of bandwidth. Superconducting Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (TWPAs) have the potential of offering quantum limited noise and large bandwidth. These amplifiers are based on the parametric amplification of microwaves traveling along a transmission line with embedded nonlinear elements. We are developing superconducting TWPAs based both on Josephson junction arrays (Traveling Wave Josephson Parametric Amplifiers) and on nonlinear kinetic inductance (Dispersion Engineered Traveling Wave Kinetic Inductance Amplifiers). Our goal is to achieve large bandwidth (in the 5 to 10 GHz range), large gain (more than 20 dB), large saturation power (more than-50 dBm), and near quantum limited noise (noise temperature less than 600 mK). Current achievements in the design and development of the high performance TWPAs are here reported and discussed, together with current limitations and possible future developments.


Volume: 32 (4)      Da Pagina: 1500405-1  A: 1500405-5

Maggiori informazioni: This work was supported in part by the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) through the DARTWARS Project, in part by the Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R017-D1) of the Republic of Korea, in part by the European Union´s H2020-MSCA under Grant 101027746, in part by H2020 FETOPEN Project SUPERGALAX under Grant 863313, and in part EMPIR project PARAWAVE under Grant 17FUN10, by University of Salerno Italy under Project FRB19PAGANand Project FRB20BARON.
Parole chiavi:
DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2022.3145782