Large-signal enhanced frequency conversion in birefringent optical fibers: Theory and experiments

Anno: 1998

Autori: Seve E., Millot G., Trillo S., Wabnitz S.

Affiliazione autori: Laboratoire de Physique, Université de Bourgogne, 9, Avenue A. Savary, 21011 Dijon, France

Abstract: Strong frequency conversion among light waves propagating in a low-birefringence optical fiber in the normal-dispersion regime is experimentally investigated. Modulational gain spectra are obtained by injection of a signal orthogonally polarized with respect to a pump beam aligned with the slow fiber axis. Measurements reveal that, for signal power levels above a certain threshold value, peak conversion is obtained at pump signal frequency detunings far from the phase-matching condition. The large-signal three-wave mixing regime is well described by integrable nonlinear coupled-wave equations.


Volume: 15 (10)      Da Pagina: 2537  A: 2551

Parole chiavi: Birefringence; Light modulation; Light polarization; Light propagation; Light sources; Nonlinear equations; Nonlinear optics; Optical bistability; Optical fibers; Optical phase conjugation; Optical pumping; Ordinary differential equations, Group velocity dispersion; Modulational instability; Phase matching condition; Three wave mixing, Optical frequency conversion
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.15.002537

Citazioni: 12
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