Polarization domain wall solitons with counterpropagating laser beams

Anno: 1998

Autori: Pitois S., Millot G., Wabnitz S.

Affiliazione autori: Laboratoire de Physique, Université de Bourgogne, 9 Avenue A. Savary, B.P. N. 400, Dijon, 21011, France

Abstract: We report the experimental observation of a polarization kink or domain wall soliton by mixing two intense counterpropagating laser beams in a nonlinear isotropic dielectric. This soliton represents the switching of the state of polarization of light between two domains where both waves are circularly polarized and corotating. Good agreement is obtained with the theoretical description of the effect.


Volume: 81 (7)      Da Pagina: 1409  A: 1412

Parole chiavi: Spatial-distribution; Optical bistability; Nonlinear optics
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.1409

Citazioni: 63
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