Collinear parametric generation in the visible with tilted fs pulses

Anno: 1996

Autori: Danielius R., Piskarskas A., Solcia C., Foggi P., Di Trapani P., Andreoni A.

Affiliazione autori: Univ of Vilnius, Vilnius, Italy

Abstract: Group-velocity (GV) mismatch severely limits the efficiency of three-wave mixing processes with ultrashort pulses. More recently, it has been demonstrated that GV matching can be achieved in the more general case of tunable parametric generation by using suitable non-collinear phase-matching configurations. The present work shows that this can also be obtained in collinear parametric interactions, if the interacting pulses are made to propagate in the birefringent nonlinear crystal with the pulse fronts suitably tilted respect to the phase fronts. This idea is experimentally tested by comparing the parametric superflourescence generated by tilted and untilted pump pulses.

Titolo Convegno:

Parole chiavi: Amplification; Birefringence; Calculations; Color image processing; Crystals; Fluorescence; Fused silica; Laser pulses; Light transmission; Optical pumping; Prisms; Second harmonic generation, Charge coupled device camera; Collinear parametric generation; Dashed line; Fused silica prisms; Group velocity mismatch; Locked amplification; Parametric superfluorescence, Nonlinear optics
DOI: 10000000000