A collinearly phase-matched parametric generator/amplifier of visible femtosecond pulses

Anno: 1998

Autori: Danielius R., Piskarskas A., Di Trapani P., Andreoni A., Solcia C., Foggi P.

Affiliazione autori: Laser Research Center, University, Vilnius 2054, Lithuania; Ist. Naz. di Fisica della Materia, Ist. Sci. Matematiche, Fisiche C., University of Milan, 22100 Como, Italy; Dipartimento di Elettronica, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy; LENS, University of Florence, 50125 Florence, Italy

Abstract: We report on the generation and amplification of ultrashort pulses of ˜1.5-µJ energy, tunable in the visible down to 456 nm, through travelling-wave parametric interaction in a single ß-BaBO4 crystal, operated in type-I phase matching and collinearly pumped by frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire pulses with the fronts suitably tilted to match the group velocities.


Volume: 34 (3)      Da Pagina: 459  A: 463

Maggiori informazioni: This work was supported in part by the Commission of the European Communities through Contract ERBCHGECT920007 and its extension ERBCIPDCT950084. The work of R. Danielius and A. Piskarskas was supported by the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter.
Parole chiavi: Amplification; Barium compounds; Laser pulses; Laser tuning; Light propagation; Nonlinear optics; Pumping (laser); Single crystals; Ultrafast phenomena, Optical parametric amplifiers; Phase matching; Ultrashort pulses, Parametric amplifiers
DOI: 10.1109/3.661453

Citazioni: 17
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