Results of ENVISAT validation measurements obtained by the SAFIRE-A spectrometer at mid-Latitude and in the arctic region

Anno: 2003

Autori: Cortesi U., Bianchini G., Palchetti I., Castelli E., Dinelli B.M., Lee C., Redaelli G.

Affiliazione autori: Ist. di Fis. Applicata (IFAC – CNR), Via Panciatichi, 64, Firenze, Italy; Ist. Sci. dell\’Atmosfera/dell Clima, Via Gobetti, 101, Bologna, Italy; University of Wales, The Parade, 5, CF243YB Cardiff, United Kingdom; Università dell\’Aquila, Via Vetoio, 10, Coppito – L\’Aquila, Italy

Abstract: The SAFIRE-A Fourier transform Far-infrared spectrometer has been involved in field campaigns carried out with the M-55 Geophysica stratospheric aircraft in 2002-2003, with the aim of contributing to the validation of level-2 products of the ENVISAT chemistry instruments. The limb sounding observations of volume mixing ratio vertical profiles of Ozone, Nitric Acid and Nitrous Oxide were especially focused on the validation of MIPAS data in the altitude range 10-20 km. Here we report the results of validation measurements performed at mid-latitude in October 2002 and in the Arctic region in March 2003. Comparison between O3, HNO3 and N2O vertical distribution measured by SAFIRE and profiles of the same species obtained by MIPAS onboard the ENVISAT satellite are presented and discussed.

Titolo Convegno:

Parole chiavi: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Geophysics; Signal to noise ratio; Spectrometers, Scientific payloads, Upper atmosphere
DOI: 10000000000