in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGYDi: Nawaz T., Seminara M., Caputo S., Mucchi L., Cataliotti FS., Catani J. Anno: 2019 (IF.: 5.379 Cit.: 55 DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2019.2948041)
2) Characterization of Field of View in Visible Light Communication Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
in IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNALDi: Seminara M., Nawaz T., Caputo S., Mucchi L., Catani J. Anno: 2020 (IF.: 2.443 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3005620)
3) Experimental measurements of a joint 5G-VLC communication for future vehicular networks in JOURNAL OF SENSOR AND ACTUATOR NETWORKSDi: Marabissi D., Mucchi L., Caputo S., Nizzi F., Pecorella T., Fantacci R., Nawaz T., Seminara M., Catani J. Anno: 2020 (Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.3390/jsan9030032)
4) Measurement-based VLC channel characterization for I2V communications in a real urban scenario in VEHICULAR COMMUNICATIONSDi: Caputo S., Mucchi L., Cataliotti F., Seminara M., Nawaz T., Catani J. Anno: 2021 (IF.: 8.373 Cit.: 26 DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2020.100305)
5) Bidirectional Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication System Based on VLC: Outdoor Tests and Performance Analysis in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMSDi: Meucci M.; Seminara M.; Nawaz T.; Caputo S.; Mucchi L.; Catani J. Anno: 2022 (IF.: 8.500 Cit.: 21 DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3104498)
6) Low-latency VLC system with fresnel receiver for I2V ITS applications in JOURNAL OF SENSOR AND ACTUATOR NETWORKSDi: Nawaz T., Seminara M., Caputo S., Mucchi L., Catani J. Anno: 2020 (Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.3390/jsan9030035)
7) The Role of Bidirectional VLC Systems in Low-Latency 6G Vehicular Networks and Comparison with IEEE802.11p and LTE/5G C-V2X in SENSORSDi: Caputo S., Mucchi L., Umair MA., Meucci M., Seminara M., Catani J. Anno: 2022 (IF.: 3.900 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.3390/s22228618)
8) Exploring the Effects of LED-Based Visible Light Communication on Reading and Color Perception in Indoor Environments: An Experimental Study in SENSORSDi: Caputo Stefano; Mucchi Lorenzo; Comparetto Regina; D’Antoni Vittoria; Farini Alessandro; Orsi Valentina; Baldanzi Elisabetta Anno: 2023 (IF.: 3.400 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.3390/s23062949)